First Weeks Living In Rollie

So after a few additions and changes we set off into the great yonder… well Paul’s mum’s driveway for the first few nights and then his dad’s. All good so we ventured South stopping off to see a couple of friends and family on our way to Folkestone. Next, Euro Tunnel, this was amazingly easy we just drove on and then about an hour later drove off and we were in France.

Driving South to where we had booked in for some snow time our first day took us to Champagne region and we pulled up outside a place mentioned in an app. At first it all looked a bit dubious with no sign of anywhere to park a bike nevermind Rollie. We managed to get someone who spoke English and he directed us around the back to their wineries yard where we reversed up and sat looking over their vine fields. Frank the winemaker offered us a tour so once parked up we headed inside. Now we have had winery tours before but nothing like this. We got shown the whole process from start to finish which involved going down various dark spiral staircases to underground rooms you would have no idea were there. Then we had the tasting, superb. We left with a few bottles for the trip and could possibly be going back that way at harvest time as he has told Connor he can gather the grapes and press them.

The next day we pushed on South and after looking at our apps for various parking options decided on a little town called Dole. It was just a town car park but there was plenty of room and already a few other motorhomes there. We learnt our lesson on managing water here though as we had run out of water and had a full waste tank. Paul wandered to the nearest public toilet (if you can call it that) with the waste tank to empty that so we could use the toilet. We had to water so had to go the the shop and buy some big bottles of water which we could use to flush the toilet/drink and cook. Not to ourselves we need to be better at filling up when we get chance and emptying the waste when we can.

The next day we drove to Geneva as Paul’s wish list was to go to visit CERN. I am glad Paul had mentioned this as we all found it really interesting even though most of it was way beyond my understanding.

Then onwards to the snow. So, here we are for 3 weeks at Le Grand Bornand. The camp site is in a great location and the slopes are perfect. We have had three days on the slopes so far with great weather and all runs open. Bosun has enjoyed running around on the snow but is a bit unsure when he looses his legs in the deep stuff.


So 2 weeks after our first night onboard we are all still talking to each other and enjoying ourselves. The homeschooling is going ok, a bit slow to start with but improving, I just have to put the effort into planning as much as Connor does doing. One annoying thing is Bosun’s water bowl, no matter where we put it someone manages to knock it over on a daily basis. Also, there is definitely only room for one person in the kitchen at a time.

One thought on “First Weeks Living In Rollie

  1. Stirling

    Have a fab journey

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