Le Grand Bornand – French Alps Skiing

We had three weeks based at the camp site in Le Grand Bornand. We have had mostly lovely weather with lovely sunny days allowing great visibility on the slopes. When we arrived everywhere was white over but by the time we were leaving most had melted around the town level.

Cheese is a really bit thing here and maybe that is why they seem to worship or at least dedicate a lot of street art to the cow. It seemed like every patch of grass or wall had some form of cow. The cheese was quite spectacular and we have had our share including great fondue.

The skiing has been great, it got a bit slushy near the end of our stay at the bottom of the slopes but still good. Connor has loved his skiing, especially the jumps and going though the trees at high speed.

Grand Bornand as a town is lovely and after three weeks we were almost residents but alas it is time to move on to discover some more wonderful places.