Snow to Sea

Driving through the French Alps heading towards the French Riviera we took the scenic route keeping off the toll roads and passing through some great little towns on what it turns out is part of the Napoleon Route.

Our first stop was Grenoble. Free motorhome Aire parking about 7km from the city. We walked into the city and enjoyed a wander around the streets.

Next day we stopped at Sisteron, parking in a motorhome Aire right underneath the citadel. A lovely little town which we enjoyed wandering around, unfortunately we could not go into the citadel as it was closed.

Entrevaux was next and a great stopover. Parking in a railway station car park in an area for motorhomes we were pleasantly surprised at this little town. Entering the old town you had to walk over a small bridge that had a working drawbridge. A maze of little streets and small squares. We took and early morning walk to the citadel at the top of a winding climb. Amazing old castle which we could walk around and explore.

Leaving the mountains we saw the ocean and Paul’s quest for a drive around the Monaco GP track was in our sights. When we eventually found the track streets half of them were being repaired so we could not drive the track but we did go over the start line so Paul was satisfied. I am not sure we could have really done the track justice in Rollie at 7.5m long and 3.5t.

We settled for a couple of nights at a camp site near Antibes on the coast. Here we went to Marineland as Connor had just been studying about Killer Whales and they had some at the park. We decided to sign up for a special encounter and got to meet the killer whales up close and even feed them a fish. I am glad that they seem to be doing some really good research based around the species.

Met a nice chap at the camp site bar who is retired and spends 7 months a year at this site in his caravan then the other time in the UK. He drove us along the coast in his car to see Cannes, no way we would have got down the streets in Rollie. Even though the coast was nice we decided it was too busy and we decided to head inland again seeking a few more smaller towns to investigate.

This entry was posted in France
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