Snow to Sea

Driving through the French Alps heading towards the French Riviera we took the scenic route keeping off the toll roads and passing through some great little towns on what it turns out is part of the Napoleon Route. Our first stop was Grenoble. Free motorhome Aire parking about 7km from the city. We walked into […]

Le Grand Bornand – French Alps Skiing

We had three weeks based at the camp site in Le Grand Bornand. We have had mostly lovely weather with lovely sunny days allowing great visibility on the slopes. When we arrived everywhere was white over but by the time we were leaving most had melted around the town level. Cheese is a really bit […]

First Weeks Living In Rollie

So after a few additions and changes we set off into the great yonder… well Paul’s mum’s driveway for the first few nights and then his dad’s. All good so we ventured South stopping off to see a couple of friends and family on our way to Folkestone. Next, Euro Tunnel, this was amazingly easy […]

Connors Adventure Begins

Hi my name is Connor. My favourite things are eating,soccer and on-line gaming.The past week I have been at my grandad and granny house. I have seen my cousin Henry. It is snowing from time to time. We are getting ready to go around Europe in our motorhome called Rollie. These are games I will […]

UK – Let the Adventure Begin

Wow what a blur the last few weeks in Australia were, packing and sorting, the list seemed endless but we managed to get the house cleared and our bags packed. Bosun was collected and off for his flight a few days before us. He arrived happy to see my parents and also shell shocked by […]

Welcome Rollie!

Connor and I flew over to the UK to collect our new motorhome “Rollie”. We got the train to Glasgow with my parents and drove her back.  First impressions is that she is everything we expected, very happy.  I have never driven anything as big as this but with cruise control and mostly motorway driving […]