
Arriving by ferry in the sunshine we were all very excited and ready to investigate the island. This trip had been in the planning for a while as the Islay Whisky Festival was Paul’s birthday present to himself and something on his bucket list. We parked up looking over...

York to Islay

After a few weeks of rest for Rollie we were eager to get back behind the wheel and make our way North heading towards Islay for the Whiskey Festival to top off Paul’s birthday celebrations. Our first stop was only an hour away from where Paul grew up in...


We got the tunnel back to the UK and had a couple of stops with friends before getting back to York. Spend a few weeks catching up with friends and family in York and Harrogate. Paul had his 50th birthday celebrations at a pub in York where we were...

France – chapter 2.

Back over the boarder into France and instantly the countryside changes with different trees and rolling farm fields of crops and of course more vines. First night back over the boarder and we are going though Armagnac country. Neither Paul or I have tried this type of drink before...


We passed over the boarder into Spain and the main things we noticed straight away was that diesel is around 15% cheaper (my Yorkshire man pointed this out) and also the landscape also changed full of orange and olive trees. Paul wanted to go to the Salvador Dali Museum...

South Coast of France

So we decided to weave inland a bit and making our way towards Barcelona via our friends house on the way. Staying off the toll roads leads to some great roads and little towns to pass through. Grasse was our first stop after the coast and we stopped on...